As I mentioned in my last blog post, my first two books, Green and Ghastly Deep and Gunmetal Blue Moon, published by Trilobite Books, are now available in trade paperback exclusively across the Amazon platforms.. Some friends suggested we have a get together so folks who'd purchased copies could have them signed. I was thrilled with the idea, and so we arranged a book signing/picnic of sorts.
There won't be any books to purchase, but if you have bought one or both of them and you want it/them personalized, I would be thrilled to scribble something nice, nasty or somewhere in between at no charge, other than you having to come along. And if not, if you don't have a book, swing by anyway, it'd be awesome just to say howdy.
The day/time/location are detailed on the picture. I'm not kidding when I say it'd be great to see you, even if it's just to say hi.
